

How 用以問形容詞或副詞               How about 用以徵求同意

How well 用以問程度                       How long 用以問耗時和長度

How wide 用以問寬度           How tall 用以問身高

How high 用以問高度                       How old 用以問年齡

How fast 用以問速度                         How far 用以問距離

How deep 用以問深度            How many 用以問數量

How much 用以問價錢                      How often 用以問次數頻率

Who 用以問人(僅是疑問代名詞)     Where 用以問地方

What 用以問事物                               Why 用以問原因

Which 用以問單一事物                     When 用以問時間

What day 用以問星期幾                    What date 用以問日期

What time 用以問幾點幾分               What about 用以徵求同意




I don’t know what I should do.------------------------------------------我不知該做什麼

No one knows how deep the river is.-----------------------------沒人知道這河有多深

I wonder why he has been so helpful.------------------------我懷疑他幹嘛這麼勤快

I am sure that this is what you want.-----------------------------我敢說這就是你要的

When we are going is not decided yet.------------------------我們還沒決定何時出發

Where we are going is not decided yet.-----------------------我們還沒決定要去那裡

How much it is is decided by the market.--------------------------------市場決定價格

When the earth will be perished is still unknown.-----------沒人知道地球何時毀滅


注意 間接問句若是未來式,且前後主詞一致,則可將間接問句中的(主詞+助動詞)改為(to)而成:


疑問詞 + to + V = 名詞片語

He doesn’t know how he can please the girl.---------------他不知如何()女生
He does not know how to please the girl.

Nobody knows what we should do. -------------------------------沒人知道該做什麼
Nobody knows what to do.

Can anybody tell me where I should go?-----------------------誰能告訴我何去何從
Can anybody tell me where to go?

Can anybody tell me how I should do it?----------------誰能告訴我該怎麼()
Can anybody tell me how to do it?





進階觀念 假設狀態的關係代名詞,關係副詞與間接問句


The government should offer people the food which people can live on.
The government should offer people the food on which people can live.
The government should offer people the food what people can live.
The government should offer people the food on which to live.
The government should offer people the food what to live.
The government should offer people what to live on.

People should obtain a common education which they can live on from.
People should obtain a common education from which they can live on.
People should obtain a common education from which to live on.


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    陳思's 心英文法---英文心法

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