

Whatever = No matter what       Whoever = No matter who

Wherever = No matter where     Whenever = No matter when

However = No matter how         Whichever = No matter which


Whoever may say so, he is a liar.----------------------無論誰這麼說,就是騙子

No matter who may say so, he is a liar.


I will follow you wherever you go.-------------------無論你去那裡,我都追隨你

I will follow you no matter where you go.


Where(ver) there is a will, there is a way.----------------------------有志者事竟成

(No matter) where there is a will, there is a way.


Whatever you do, I will always support you.----------無論你做什麼,挺你到底

No matter what you do, I will always support you.


I will pick you up whenever you come.---------------------------------我隨傳隨到

I will pick you up no matter when you come.


However he lies, the only truth lies.----------------------------------事實勝於雄辯

No matter how he lies, the only truth lies.(前者lie“說謊”,後者lie“躺”)


Whichever you prefer, just take it.---------------------------喜歡那一個,自己拿

No matter which you prefer, just take it.





Whoever = No matter who = Anyone who

Whatever = No matter what = Anything which

Wherever = No matter where = Any place which

Whenever = No matter when = Any time which

Whichever = No matter which = Any one which

 However = No matter how = Any way which

However you do it won’t please the boss.

No matter how you do it won’t please the boss.

Any way which you do it won’t please the boss.



Whatever you do won’t please the boss.

No matter what you do won’t please the boss.

Anything which you do won’t please the boss.



You can take whichever you want.

You can take no matter which you want.

You can take any one which you want.


    創作者 englishchen 的頭像

    陳思's 心英文法---英文心法

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