



單音節副詞在原級之後加er, est,最高級前可以不加the


原級(Positive)      比較級(comparative)      最高級(Superlative)

hard                       harder                              hardest

fast                        faster                                fastest

soon                      sooner                              soonest

near                       nearer                               nearest

long                       longer                              longest


双音節副詞y結尾者,須將y改為ier, iest,最高級前不加the


early                     earlier                                 earliest


三音節或以 –ly 附加於形容詞後的雙音節




原級                    比較級                      最高級

angrily             more angrily               most angrily

carefully          more carefully            most carefully

happily            more happily              most happily

actively           more actively              most actively

seriously         more seriously            most seriously

difficultly        more difficultly          most difficultly

efficiently        more efficiently         most effiiently

differently       more differently         most differently

often                more often                 most often




  原級                     比較級                       最高級

well                          better                          best

badly ill wrong         worse                         worst

far                             further                        furthest

little                          less                             least

much                        more                           most


1.同位比較 (as…as是對等連接詞片語)

肯定:A + V + as 副 as + B (AB一樣地…)

否定:A + 助動詞 + not + V +so (as) 副 as + B (A不如B一樣地…)


She runs as fast as I (do).

She can not run so fast as her brother (does).


He works as diligently as you (do).

He does not work so diligently as you (do).



A + V + 比較級 than + B (AB…)

A + V + the + 比較級 of the two (A兩者中較)


Mary studies harder than I (do).

Mary studies harder than me.(口語常用,此時視than為介繫詞)


Cinderella worked more diligently than her two sisters (did).

        Of the two boys, John behaves the more politely.



      The rich kids spend much more money than the poor do.

   = The rich kids spend much more money than do the poor.




A + V + (the) 最高級 () the (three…and above) (A是三者或以上中最)




Mark runs (the) fastest in all the players.

Mark runs faster than any other players.

Mark runs faster than every other player.

Mark runs faster than all the other players.

No other players run faster than Mark.

No other players run so fast as Mark.


I like tuna (the) best in all the fish.

I like tuna better than all the other fish.

I like tuna better than any other fish.

I like tuna better than every other fish.

prefer tuna to all the other fish.

prefer to have tuna (rather) than other fish.



(1) 副詞同位比較否定A + 助動詞 + not + V +so (as) 副詞as + B (A不如B一樣…),也可代換成反向的一般比較B + be + 比較級 than + A (BA…),但是兩對等子句若具有增減意味的部分,則須注意比較者於句中相對的位置。。


他不如他的哥哥努力 (他的哥哥比他努力)

He doesn’t work so hard as his brother.

= He works less hard than his brother. (罕用)

= His brother works harder than he.


小孩比較喜歡打電玩 (指喜愛程度)

Many kids like to play video games as twice as (to) study.

= Many kids like to play video games twice as much as (to) study.

= Many kids like to play video games twice more / better than to study.


小孩喜歡打電玩的比愛讀書的多兩倍 (小孩數量)

Many kids like to play video games as twice as those to study.

= Many kids like to play video games twice as many as (to) study.

Twice as many kids like to play video games as (to) study.

Twice more kids like to play video games better than (to) study.


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