2.集合名詞(Collective N.):單數的名詞形態,代表複數的意思,即不加s已經代表多數
【觀念確認】文法學家對集合名詞的定義,大多以「凡代表團體的字」定義之,前可加’a’若視其為群體,則為多數,若視其為單位,則為單數,複數的集合名詞後也可加’s’,如此一來集合名詞與普通名詞似無二致,然而更加複雜,是學習者極易混淆的觀念;筆者則建議學習者,觀念上,不妨視前可加’a’,後也可加’s’的名詞為普通名詞;只有多數後不加s的名詞方為集合名詞,即集合名詞永遠為多數,畢竟如:An American fleet are on the way…的句子只是少數。
(1) 單複數意義不相同的集合名詞
人 (集): There are many people on earth.------------------世界上有許多人
Many people live in the neighborhood.
民族(普):There are many peoples on earth.-------------世界上有許多民族
Chinese are a peace-loving people.
a people 及 peoples 代表民族
家人 (集):My family are happy to see you-----我們全家人看到你很開心
家庭 (普):There are many families in the neighborhood.------這一帶有很多人家
a family 及 families 代表家庭
班上的人 (集):The class have to bring their notebooks.-全班都須帶筆記本
The class elect him as the representative.--同學選他當班代
班級,課 (普):There are over 100 classes in the school.---------全校有一百多班
I have an English class in the morning.-----早上我有一堂英文課
水果,果實 (集):The apple tree bears many fruit.-------------------結實累累
水果,成果,收穫 (普):The fruits of industry-----------------------勤勞的成果
The fruits of the earth-----------------------大地的產物
水果,果實(物質):It is amazing that you can eat so much fruit.
委員 (集):The committee are making a conclusion to the issue.
The committee elect him as the chairman.-----全體委員選他當主席
委員會 (普):There are over 100 committees in the government.
單數委員 a committeeman,複數 committeemen
jury用法和committee同,陪審員單數a juror = juryman,複數jurors = jurymen
子嗣,後人,孩子 (集):The poor old man died with no issue.
議題,出血,發行,關鍵 (普):
The real issue of stroke is a blood issue in the brain.----中風致命的關鍵是腦出血
The man offers poor children a daily issue of free milk.---這人免費提供貧童鮮奶
There is a new issue of stamp for the Chinese New Year.----新年有紀念郵票發行