(3) 恆用複數動詞者:名詞前絕對不能加a,沒有單數的用法,之後亦永遠不加s

1. police 警察

The police are running after the thief.----------(一群)警察追著一個小偷

單數用a policeman, a policewoman, a police officer


2. cattle 牛群

The cattle are grazing in the pasture.------------------------牛群在草地吃草

單數用an ox, a bull, a cow a bison


3. vermin 有害的(人、蟲、鳥、獸)

These vermin do much harm.------------------------------------------害蟲肆虐


4. swine 

These swine are kept in the pen.--------------------------------養在豬圈裡

單數用a pig, a hog,a sow


5. gentry 士紳階層

The gentry are satisfied with the ECFA.------工商界ECFA表示滿意


6. folk 人們(平民階層)

The old folk are fading away.-------------------------都難免生老病死

You folks, Old folks 為方言式的用法,口語上具親切感


7. offspring子孫,後代

Chinese are the offspring of Yen-Huang.----------------中國人皆炎黃子孫


8. Spanish西班牙人

Spanish Americans are large population in the USA.-----美國有很多西裔

單數用a Spaniard


9. The + 形容詞 作集合名詞,表全體 (詳參形容詞)

The rich are not always happier than the poor.--富人不見得比窮人快樂

There are the wounded and the dead in the battle field.----------傷亡遍野

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