1. 名詞所有格à名’s
This is John’s book, not mine.
This is John’s father’s car, not my father’s.(名詞所格可作所有代名詞)
2. 複數所有格à名s’
Mary goes to a girls’ school.
Those students’ teacher is Mr. Chen.
3. 共同所有格à A and B’s
Jack and Jane’s father is a doctor.
4. 各別所有格à A’s and B’s
Mary’s and John’s fathers are doctors.
注意 有兩種情況,漏呼(省略點)後的s須省略
1. 多數規則變化的名詞所有格: --s’, --es’, --ies’; 不規則變化的名詞所有格: --’s
The doctors’ opion 眾醫之見 Women’s Department 女裝部
The boys’ room 男廁 Children’s Department 童裝部
Smiths’ friend 史密斯家的友人 Men’s Department 男裝部
parents’ duties 父母的職責 People’s welfare 全民福利
2. 單數名詞最後字母為s或ce者
Moses’ laws 摩西十戒 for conscience’ sake 因良心故
Venus’s beauty 維那斯之美 James’s house 詹姆士之家
Someone else’s fault 別人的錯誤 mouse’s skin 老鼠皮
注意 視為完整個體的名詞片語,’s附加於它的最後一字
The Government of China’s order
= The order of China Government
The President of America’s death
= The death of the President of America
My son-in-law’s house = The house of my son-in-law 我女婿的房子
This is my sister Mary’s book. --------------------------------這是我妹Mary的書
Herod married his brother Philip’s wife.----------希律娶了他兄長的妻子(舊約)
非生物的所有格(A of / to B…B的A):可用於生物
注意 所有格意味著後者擁有前者,形容詞意味著後者修飾前者;非生物的所有格的意義卻介於二者之間,故亦稱為“屬格(genitive)”。
The key of the car (隨車附帶的鑰匙)
The key to the car (開某輛車的鑰匙)
The ticket of the game (看比賽獲贈的票)
The ticket to the game (看比賽的入場券)
The player of the game (比賽的最佳選手)
The player to the game (比賽的先發選手)
The answer of the question (反問的方式回答)
The answer to the question (問題的答案)
The first of May(五月一日)
Words of wisdom(睿智的話)
A friend of my father’s = One of my father’s friends
1. 具有丈量空間或時間意味時
A day’s journey (一日遊)
A month’s vacation (一個月的假期)
A boat’s length (一船之長)
A hand’s breadth (舉手之遙)
A pound’s weight (一磅的重量)
A three days’ grace (三天的寬限)
2. 具有敬意的擬人化
Fortune’s favorite (命運的寵兒)
Japan’s heroes (日本的英雄)
Sorrow’s tears (悲傷之淚)
Sun’s rays (太陽的光輝)
Nature’s works (鬼斧神工)
Truth’s triumph (真理的勝利)
Duty’s call (責任的招喚)
Heaven’s will (天意)
The earth’s creature (眾生)
The ocean’s roar (海洋的怒吼)
The mind’s eyes (心靈之眼)
The country’s good (國家的利益)
3. 某些約定成俗的成語
At one’s wit’s end (束手無策)
At one’s finger’s end (精通熟練)
To one’s journey’s end (結束的時候)
At six month’s sight (見票後六個月)
To one’s heart’s content (心滿意足)
For mercy’s sake (大發慈悲)
A friend of my father’s = One of my father’s friends ------------我爸的一個朋友
A brother of Mary’s = One of Mary’s brothers -------------------Mary的一個兄弟
Those books of John’s -----------John的那些書(Those books 是John部分的書)
Those of John’s books -----------------那些John的書(Those 全部是John的書)
注意 語意上些微的差意
形容詞片語與所有格的差異:(A of B…A的B)
Whales are a kind of mammal. (形容詞片語…一種的..)
He is not that kind of man though he speaks ill at times. (形容詞片語-那種的..)
A number of people are going to the concert.(形容詞片語…許多的..)
The number of people is over a thousand.( 所有格…people的..)
註 定位詞(determiners):包括冠詞,指示形容詞及所有格。