(6) 代名詞 It:雖被歸類於人稱代名詞,但一般只代替不是人的事物,包括時
It is 10 o’clock in the morning ( It = Now )
It is April 24th. ( It = Today )
It is too late. 時間:太晚;狀況:來不及
表天氣 ( It = The weather )
It is hot in summer in Taipei.-------------------------------------台北夏天很熱
It is rigid in Antarctica.---------------------------------------------------南極酷寒
It rains/snows a lot in New York in May.-----------------紐約五月多雨/雪
=It is rainy/snowy in New York in May.
=There is a lot of rain/snow in New York in May.
=We/They have a lot of rain/snow in New York in May.
表狀況 (It = The circumstance )
It is dark without light at night.-----------------------------------晚上沒燈很暗
It is warm when the heater works.-----------------------當暖氣運轉就暖和了
It says “Keep off the grass”.-----------------------告示寫著“請勿踐踏草地”
That’s it.-------------------------------------那樣做就對了;沒錯,正是如此
(應門時) A: Who is it? B: It’s me.(文法It’s I.才正確,口語習慣則用It’s me.)
(接電話) A: Who is this ? B: This is … speaking.(詢問答覆不用You,I)
表同一物 (代表前述之名詞)
This book is so interesting; I like it.------------------這書真有意思,我喜歡(它)
The problem is hard, but I’ll solve it.------------這問題是有些難,不過我了解
I like your cat; it is so cute.------------------------我喜歡你家的貓咪,牠好可愛
This car is cool; I want to buy it.(同一輛車)
This car is cool; I want to buy one. (不同一輛車)
表距離 (代表後述之介詞片語)
It is about an hour from Taipei to Kaohsiung by plane. (文法口語上皆正確)
From Taipei to Kaohsiung is about an hour by plane. (文法錯誤,口語可用)
※ 有些書籍謂介詞片語可做為主詞,即依此而生,改為問句便見真章 ※
How long is it from Taipei to Kaohsiung by plane?(正)
How long is from Taipei to Kaohsiung by plane?(誤)