either, neither, none:表量形容詞(Quantitative),轉作不定代名詞,either, neither兩者皆可表示可數名詞與不可數名詞,either只表示兩者中“一者是,另一者非”,neither則表示兩者“二者皆非”, none則表示三者以上“全部皆非”。
<觀念確認> either二者任一,用單數動詞 any 任一﹝三者以上﹞
You may take either of the two books.-------------------------兩本書任你拿一本
You may take any of the three books. -------------------------三本書任你拿一本
Either of you (two) has to go.--------------------------------你們兩人必須去一個
One of you (three and above) has to go.------你們當中(三人以上)必須去一個
Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? … Either will do.-----------------(兩者任一)
Which do you like, coffee or tea or me? … Any will do.--------(三者以上任一)
作副詞時either為否定意義,當作『也不』,是too和also的反義,not either = neither多用於簡答句倒裝
A: I don’t like it at all.
B:I don’t like it, either. = Neither do I. = Nor do I.
Neither of the girls likes to go with him.------------兩個女孩都不想和他去
Neither of them is good.----------------------------------------他們兩人都不好
I know neither of the two girls.------------------我不認識(兩人)其中任何人
I know none of the three girls. ------------------我不認識(三人)其中任何人
Either, Neither做為主詞,口語有用多數動詞者,實為積非成是,不予論述。
作連接詞時:(either…or…若非…即是…, neither…nor…既非…也非…),可連接任何詞類;做為主詞時,單數動詞,須以接近的主詞為主。
Either he or I am wrong.------------------------他和我其中有一人是錯的
Neither he nor I am wrong.------------------------------------他和我都沒有錯
He must be either ignorant or foolish.------------他若不是無知一定就是笨
= If he is not ignorant, he must be foolish.
I neither blamed nor scolded you.-----------------------我不責備你也不罵你
= I didn’t (either) blame or scold you.
Mr. Chen has neither money nor properties.----陳先生既無現金又無恆產
= Mr. Chen doesn’t have (either) money or properties.
= Mr. Chen doesn’t have (any) money or/and properties.
全部否定none通常作複數用,罕用於單數,若強調單數可數名詞則用no one或nothing,不可數名詞多用nothing,亦可用none。
None of my family are here.--------------------------------我的家人都不在我身邊
None of my friends are teachers.------------------------我的朋友中沒有人當教師
He is none of my friends.-------------------------------------他根本不是我的朋友
Thou shalt have none other gods before me. (Old Testament)-----吾乃唯一真神
Silver and gold have I none.(New Testament)---------------------金銀乃身外之物
No one likes to make friends with him.( No one = Nobody)-----無人願與之為友
There is no one interested in the book.--------------------------無人對此書感興趣
There is nothing interesting in the book.---------------------------此書內容不有趣
There is nothing but (= only, except) water.--------------------------------就只有水
nothing (else) but/than 只不過是…
for nothing 免費
(have/be) nothing to do with 和…無關
good for nothing 毫無用處
nothing less than = nothing short of 簡直就是…
nothing more than 就是…
think/make nothing of 輕視
come to nothing 失敗