
指示代名詞(Demonstrative Pronoun)


單數指示代名詞this, that複數指示代名詞these, those



This / That is my book.(指示代名詞作主詞)

This / That book is mine.(指示形容詞修飾主詞book)

This / That book is my one.(所有格後不可加one)


I prefer this to that. (指示代名詞受詞)

This / That (one) is really what I want.(指示形容詞this, that後可加one)




  1. 兩事物並舉的句中,this, these代表後者,that, those代表前者。
    Work and play are necessary to our life; this gives us rest, and that gives us living.



Both sharks and whales breathe; these depend on lungs, and those gills.


  1. 做為指示形容詞的this, these具有表示現在發生的事,that, those具有表示發生過的事之意。(中文語意亦具有相同的意義)

This game is too exciting to be true. (表示眼前的事)-----這場比賽真是太刺激了
That game was too exciting to be true. (表示之前的事)--那場比賽真是太刺激了
These questions you asked are not so easy. (表示眼前的事)-----這些問題不容易
Those questions you asked were not so easy. (表示之前的事)--那些問題不容易
You shouldn’t make a mistake like this. (表示眼前的事)-----你不該犯這種錯誤
You shouldn’t make a mistake like that. (表示之前的事)-----你不該犯那種錯誤
It is nuisance, this delay. (表示眼前的事)---------(塞車、誤點…)害我又要遲到
It was nuisance, that delay. (表示之前的事) ---------(塞車、誤點…)害得我遲到


  1. 如同itthis, that可代表前述整句之事


I know you love Mary, but it / this / that doesn’t work.(主詞表前述整句)

I studied Latin when I was young, and that at school. (表前述之整句)

You paid off all the debtsthis proved your honesty. (表前述之整句)

      That’s that = So that is that.(議事、投票有結論時,主席的結語)


  1.  that, those可代表前述單個名詞 (尤其是不可數名詞,一定用that)


The life of a child is different from that of a man.小孩的生活和大人是不同的

The life of a child is different from a man.(口語上卻常聽到)



The air in the mountains is fresher than that in the plains.



The ears of African elephants are bigger than those of Asian elephants.


  1.  Those who/whose/whom代表特定的某些人


I am the king of those who believe me.(Old Testament)-----吾乃信我之人的王

Those who want to smoke must go outside.----------------想抽煙的人請到戶外


  1. 轉作副詞的that / this


I can not eat that much.----------------------------------------------我吃不了那麼

I never imagined a fish can be this big.-------------------我從沒想到魚會這麼





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