關係代名詞:what, where, when, why = 先行詞+ which
關係代名詞: |
事 |
時 |
地 |
理由 |
先行詞+ which |
what |
when |
where |
why |
【觀念確認】關係代名詞 which 可合併先行詞,依其所修飾的先行詞而變化,而構成完整的名詞子句,成為主要子句的一部分,從另一方面來說,關係子句本身已轉變成為間接問句。
What = the thing which Where = the place which
When = the time which Why = the reason which
I believe the thing which he said.---------------------我相信他所說的事(的話)
I believe what he said.
This is the museum which I last visited.-------這是我上次來過的博物館(地方)
This is where I last visited.
I don’t know the time which he’ll come.-----------我不知他到達的時間(何時)
I don’t know when he’ll come.
That’s the reason which I came here for.----------那就是我來此的理由(為何)
That’s why I came here.
( for附屬於the reason,所以隨著 the reason消失而消失)
註 關係代名詞who合併先行詞“人”之後,仍然為who,仔細觀察,關係子句本身已轉變成為間接問句矣。
You are the one who I am looking for.--------------------你就是我正要找的人
You are who I am looking for.
The man who you are talking about is my father.----------你說的那人正是家父
Who you are talking about is my father.
註 故另有一說關係副詞前的先行詞可省略,其間變化即源於此,繼續詳閱以下關係副詞,俾使融會貫通,切勿死記規則。