each與every:表量形容詞(Quantitative),each 可作代名詞與形容詞,every只能作形容詞,each與every皆不可修飾不可數名詞,之後必接可數名詞單數。
Every student listens to the teacher.-------------------(正…作形容詞修飾名詞)
Every one of the students listens to the teacher.---(正…作形容詞修飾代名詞)
Every listens to the teacher. ------------------------------(誤…不可做為代名詞)
Every of you listens to the teacher. ---------------------(誤…不可做為代名詞)
Each student listens to the teacher.--------------------(正…作形容詞修飾名詞)
Each one of them listens to the teacher.-------(正…作形容詞修飾代名詞one)
Each of the students listens to the teacher.----------------------- (正…作代名詞)
They each listens to the teacher. --------------(正…作形容詞修飾代名詞They)
I gave them each one hundred dollars.--------(正…作形容詞修飾代名詞them)
I gave each one of them one hundred dollars.------(正…作形容詞修飾代名詞)
I gave each of them one hundred dollars.------------------------(正…作代名詞)
I gave them one hundred dollars each.------------------------------(正…作副詞)
Everybody, take your seat, one for each person.----------------(正…一人一座)
Everybody, take your seat, one for every person.----------------(誤…眾人一座)
構成“每…”的一時段,如:every ten days, every six hours, …
minute = 60 seconds
fortnight = 14 days
hour = 60 minutes
month = 30 days
day = 24 hours
year = 365 days
week = 7 days
decade = 10 years
century = 100 years
millennium = 1000 years
He calls on me every other day. (= every second day每隔一天)
The patient has to take the pills every three hours.
The seasons alternate with one another every four months.
( every day = each day = every single day)
Each表示總數為二的“每一”, Each表示總數三以上的“每一” 著重於個別性,Every表示總數三以上的“每一” 著重於全體性,做為主詞時原則上為單數。
Every one of the three students is happy. (正)
Every one of the two students is happy. (誤)
Every boy and every girl is happy. (正)
Every boy and every girl are happy. (誤)
Each one of the three students listens to the teacher. (正)
Each one of the two students is happy. (正)
Every student brings their own lunch .
When everyone had come, the employer paid them their wages.
Each one of the two students are happy.
Every one
Each of the students should have their own books.
Each one