形容詞:為修飾者(modifier)之一,其於句中的功能有二,專門用來形容、修飾名詞謂之限定用法,作為補述用法謂之非限定用法,而形容詞本身亦可接受副詞的修飾;形容詞種類大約可分為六種:專有(Proper)、性狀(Descriptive)、表量(Quantitative)、數詞(Numeral)、指示(Demonstrative)及個別(Distributive),而冠詞(Article) 亦歸類於形容詞。
限定用法:專門用來形容、修飾名詞( Attributive use),謂之定語。
John is a tall boy.
Mary is a beautiful girl.
Some pretty girl attracted my eyes.
Both John and Mary are my friends.
All the books are valuable in the library.
Westerners are interested in Chinese culture.
Those boring teachers make students unknown.
Two naughty boys are abusing the poor stray dog.
There are many sight-seeing spots in Mount. A-Li.
The man standing there is my father.
The man called Jack is a doctor.
The man in the room is Professor Li.
The man to blame should be I (me).
The man that you met is the President.
The book called “Providence” makes you invincible in English.
They both are my friends.
Something strange happened.
I want to find somewhere quieter.
There is nothing weird in the room.
I can’t find anything interesting in the book.
Everything in the house belongs to me.
One who works hard will succeed in the future.
例外:形容詞修飾代名詞 one 須置其前
In all the T-shirts, I prefer the blue one.
This building is over 500 meters high.(= in height)
John is 180 cm tall. (= in height)
The well is about 10 feet deep. (= in depth)
This painting is 5 M wide. (= in width)
The tunnel is 20 kilometers long. (= in length)
My father is 51 years old. (= at the age of)
頭銜:Poet Laureate桂冠詩人 Secretary General總書記(國務卿)
注意: 地方副詞here、there轉做為形容詞,習慣上放在名詞之後。
People are friendly here in Taiwan.(地方副詞here)
People here are friendly in Taiwan. (形容詞here)
Commodities are costly there in New York. (地方副詞there)
Commodities there are costly in New York. (形容詞there)