不定代名詞(Indefinite Pronoun)
不定代名詞:多由不定形容詞(Indefinite Adjective)借用而來,故此章節順便將不定形容詞用法一併解說。
one:本是數詞(Numeral Adj.),轉作不定代名詞可以表示凡是人,任何人。
One who works hard will succeed.
= Anyone that works hard will succeed.
= Everyone that works hard will succeed.
= People who work hard will succeed.
= Those who work hard will succeed.
I have three dogs, a black one and two white ones.
Your cat is cute; I would like to keep one.(我想養一隻…與前述不同一物)
Your cat is cute; I would like to keep it. (我想養牠…與前述同一物)
Which one do you like better, white wine or red wine?(誤)
Which do you like better, white wine or red wine?(正)
I like red wine better, thank you. (正)
I like red better, thank you. (正)
I like red one better, thank you. (誤)
My car is smaller than yours. (正)
My car is smaller than your one. (誤)
This book is the one that I am looking for. (正)
This book is one of the books that I am looking for. (正)
This book is a one that I am looking for. (誤)
one之前可放形容詞以修飾之,Adj. + one可放在不定冠詞a、an之後
A: This sweater is too small to me.
B: No problem. I can get you a bigger one.
This straw is too short; I need a longer one.(正)
This straw is too short; I need one longer. (正)
This straw is too short; I need a one longer. (口語可,考題勿用)