
【觀念確認】both 二者全都all﹝三者以上﹞全部


They both (all) are not my friends.-----(作形容詞修飾代名詞They)
Both (All) of them are not my friends.-(作代名詞)
They are not both (all) my friends. -----(作形容詞修飾名詞my friends)

They are both (all) not my friends. ---(否定句不可置not)
They are not my both (all) friends. ---(有定冠詞或所有格,須置其前)
Both (All) of they are not my friends. -(of 後不可用they)

John and Mary兩個並非都是我的朋友
Both John and Mary are not my friends.-------(作形容詞修飾名詞)
John and Mary are not both my friends. -------(作形容詞修飾名詞)
John and Mary both came to my party. --------(作副詞修飾動詞came)
John and Mary both are not my friends. ----------(不可置名詞之後)

Both you and he are not my friends. ---------(作形容詞修飾名詞片語)
You and he both are not my friends. ---------(You and he名詞片語)

All the(those/these) books are interesting to me. --(作形容詞修飾名詞)
All of the(those/these) books are interesting to me. --(作代名詞)

His(The/Those/These) books are all interesting to me.- (作副詞修飾形容詞)
I am interested in all his(the/those/these) books.-------(作形容詞修飾名詞)
I am interested in all of his(the/those/these) books. ---(作代名詞)

(both…notnot…both) = (one of them is…, but the other is not) = (either…or…)
(all…notnot…all) = (some of them are…, but some are not)

They both are not my friends.--------(作形容詞修飾代名詞They)
Both of them are not my friends. ---(作代名詞)
= They are not both my friends. -----(作形容詞修飾名詞my friends)

Either of them is my friend.------- (作代名詞)

Either one of them is my friend. --(作形容詞修飾代名詞one)

Both John and Mary are not my friends. (作形容詞修飾名詞)
John and Mary are not both my friends. ---(作形容詞修飾名詞)

Either John or Mary is my friends.

John and Mary are both not my friends.--- (否定句不可置not)
John and Mary are not my both friends.--- (…both, all必置所有格前)

雖然些文法書將They both / allBoth / All of them解釋為也可做為全部否定,然而全部否定卻另有其形式,應作如是說:
They (two) are not my friends.

Neither / None of them is my friend.

All (the people) are happy to hear the good news.
All the answers are not right.(部分否定)
(The/Those/These) books are not all interesting to me. (部分否定)
I am not interested in all the(those/these) books. (部分否定)
I am not interested in all of the(those/these) books. (部分否定)
All that glitters is not gold. (部分否定) (Shakespeare 1597)



all right = OK = all set ---------沒問題
        not at all---------一點也不

all the same----------------------一般
        after all-------------------畢竟、終究

all the time(way) = always-----總是
        all but = almost---------------差不多

all together-----------------------一起
        once for all------------------一勞永逸

all in one piece = safe-----------安全
        above all = especially------------尤其

all told = all in all--------------總體而言,整體來說

all in good time = soon = in the near future -------------不久

all at once = all of a sudden = suddenly = abruptly-----突然

all in = tired = exhausted = all tuckered out = worn out ------精疲力竭

all over (all over the world, all over the earth, all over the place)--遍及

        all through +時間(all through the year, all through the night...)--一整“個”


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    陳思's 心英文法---英文心法

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