做為虛主詞 (代表後述之不定詞或that子句)



It is convenient for people in Taipei to take MRT to work.( It = to + V )



It is convenient that people in Taipei can take MRT to work ( It = that…)



It took me two hours to finish doing my homework. ( It = to + V )



It cost me NT$200 to buy the book. ( It = to + V )



It is fun to have a drink with good friends. ( It = to + V )


例外 It is no use + V-ing


It is no use crying over the spilt milk.

分裂句(It is…that…)虛主詞(It is…that…)的差異(以下內容國中生可以不看)


It is important that you comprehend what the teacher says in class. (虛主詞It )

It is important for you to comprehend what the teacher says……… (虛主詞It)


It is I that love you very much. (裂句It is…that…)

It is you that I love very much. (裂句It is…that…)

It is very much that I love you. (裂句It is…that…)

I love you very much. (直述句)


【觀念確認】虛主詞It所代表的that之後的子句,而裂句則是取直述句中,除動詞之外的任一字,置於It is之後,其餘部分則置於that之後,簡言之,裂句僅是潤飾直述句的一種句型結構,其中的It is…that…不具任何意義


進階觀念裂句(It is…that…)It is後若為事物,則(It…that = What)


It is food and water that the refugees need most.---------難民最需者飲食耳

What the refugees need most is food and water.


It is fame that he is after.-------------------------------------------------追名逐利

What he is after is fame.(開明英文法 林語堂 P.167)


It is a good rest that you need most .---------------你最需要的是好好休息

What you need most is a good rest.( A University Grammar of English --- Longman P.417)


進階觀念裂句(It is…that…)It is後若為人,則(It…that = It…who)



It was I that told you that. = It was I who told you that.

It is the men that / who work hardest, not the women.(納氏英文法 P.74)

P.S. 更融會貫通此二句型,請參閱關係代名詞及句型之間接問句。

做為虛受詞 (代表後述之不定詞it = to + V)


People take it for granted to speak Chinese in China.-在中國說中文理所當然

I make it a rule to practice speaking English 2 hours a day.----養成的習慣




Take it easy. ------------------------------------------------------放輕鬆,別緊張

You can’t get away with it. ------------------------你躲不掉的;面對現實吧

I can’t stand it any more.-------------------------------------------我再也受不了

Shall we walk it or cab it? ------------------------我們要走路還是搭計程車?

He hasn’t got it in him. ------------------------------------------------他沒那本事

The deuce take it. = Damn it. ------------------------詛咒祈使句take不加s)

Now you have done it.------------早跟你說不要那麼做(sarcastic in English)

So be it. -------------------既然如此,那就算了(表示失望,死心的慣用語)

Beat it! ----------------------------------------------閃開,別擋著路;少管閒事



Jason has tried his best, but it doesn’t work.(主詞表前述之整句)

Mr. Lin is a nice man, and all the neighbors know it. (受詞表前述整句)

Jason has tried his best, hasn’t he?()

Jason has tried his best, isn’t it?()




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