及物動詞(Transitive Verb): 有完全及物和不完全及物兩種,完全及物動詞後接受詞但不須補語,不完全及物動詞後直接接受詞但仍必須加補語。
完全及物:S + Vt + O型(一般動詞)
He studies English.
Both my parents play tennis.
I love you.
He loves me.
She wants to be a doctor.
We plan to hold a party on Christmas Eve.
Many of the students enjoy playing basketball.
Mary practices playing the piano every day.
I know (that) he is coming here.
I don’t know what he is going to do.
No one can tell whether he will come or not.
This book interests a lot of readers.
The basketball game excited the audience.
同系受詞(The Cognate Object) :源自與動詞相同字源的受詞(名詞)
He dreamed a sweat dream last night.
She lived a happy life.
I slept a sound sleep.
He died a miserable death.
She smiled (a smile of) her thanks.(可省略)