連綴動詞(Linking Verb)
釋疑 補語(Complement):對於前提之主詞或受詞的補充說明,或其同位語。
不完全及物 S + Vt + O + OC 型(須要受詞補語的連綴動詞)
(1) 連綴動詞(Linking Verb)
make, call, name, keep, cause, choose, declare, elect, set, leave, wish, expect, tell, want, ask, like, let…….etc.
Charity makes the world better.-----------------------------慈善佈施使得世界更美好
Would you let me down?-----------------------------------------------你會讓我失望嗎?
All my students call me Mr. Chen.----------------------------學生都稱呼我Mr. Chen
His father named him Harry.-----------------------------------他父親為他取名Harry
They elected the stupid man President.----------------------他們選了個愚人當總統
My classmates chose Mary leader.-------------------------------同學们選Mary當班長
Anxiety kept him awake all night long.----------------------------焦慮令他整夜難眠
Helping others will set your heart free.-------------------------------助人為快樂之本
The man declared himself the king of the world.--------這人宣稱自己為世界之王
The king wished all the people in the kingdom healthy and wealthy. 國王希望全國健康富足(more information )
Do you want your children safe ? -----------------------你希望你的孩子安全嗎?
(more information )
(2) 感官動詞(Verb of sense perception)
feel, see, hear, watch, find, think, notice, consider, believe, imagine, suppose, know, judge…….etc.
I saw her play the piano when she was eight.---------(表事實的受詞補語)
I felt the world shaking when the earthquake came.-(表行進的受詞補語)
I saw a dog hit by a car. -------------------------------(表被動的受詞補語)
I heard Mary playing the piano last night.-----------昨晚我聽到Mary彈琴
I saw Jack riding a bike in the park.----------------我看到Jack在公園騎單車
We watched the fish fed in the aquarium.-----------我们在水族館看餵魚秀
We listened to the music played by Mary.------我们聆聽Mary演奏的音樂
進階觀念 若感官動詞本身為被動式,補語用不定詞(to + V)通常表示整個動作的過程,補語若用現在分詞( V-ing)表示進行當時片斷的動作,而根據語意的邏輯,有些感官動詞的被動後並不能用現在分詞( V-ing)。
I watched the birds flying.
The birds were watched to fly (by me).--- 表示整個動作的全部過程
The birds were watched flying (by me).--- 表示動作進行當時的片斷
I think Mary play the piano well.
Mary is thought to play the piano well (by me).
The piano is thought to be played well by Mary.
(根據語意的邏輯,think被動後並不能用現在分詞( V-ing))
I found a mother bird feeding her baby birds.
A mother bird was found to feed her baby birds (by me).
A mother bird was found feeding her baby birds (by me).
Baby birds were found to be fed by their mother bird.
Baby birds were found being fed by their mother bird.
No one noticed the Tsunami coming. (the Tsunami是受詞)
No one noticed (that) the Tsunami is coming. (the Tsunami是主詞)
We all find Taiwan beautiful. (Taiwan是受詞)
We all find (that)Taiwan is beautiful. (Taiwan是名詞子句中的主詞)
I saw a dog hit by a car. (a dog是受詞,hit是P.P.)
I saw (that) a dog was hit by a car. (a dog是名詞子句中的主詞)
I think her play the piano well. (play表事實的受詞補語)
I think (that) she plays the piano well. (plays表名詞子句中的本動詞)
(3) 使役動詞(Causative Verb)
let, make, have, bid, help.
【觀念確認】使役動詞亦屬於連綴動詞,其後的受詞補語若是動詞,原形動詞表主動狀態,用現在分詞表示正在或已發生的事,被動狀態則用過去分詞,只有help之後可使用不定詞(to +V)。
Let it be.-----------------------------------------------------------------------保持平常心
The sad movie made me shed tears.--------------------------悲傷的劇情使我流淚
My brother helped me (to) do the work.-------------------------------我哥幫我做的
My parents bid me come to the cram school.----------我爸媽吩咐我得上補習班
My mother had dinner all set.----------------------------------我媽把晚餐都搞定了
The joke had me laugh/laughing all night.----------------這笑話害我笑了一晚上
進階觀念 若使役動詞本身為被動式,則補語一律用不定詞(to + V)
My father had a worker fix his car.
= My father had his car fixed (by a worker).
= A worker was had to fix my father’s car (by my father).
My father let me go to the cram school.
= I was let to go to the cram school.(by my father).
Mary made John fix the faucet.
= Mary made the faucet fixed by John.
= John was made to fix the faucet (by Mary).
The master bade/ bid the servants offer the best food for the guests .
= The master bade/ bid the best food offered (by the servants) for the guests.
= The servants was bidden / bid to offer the best food for the guests by the master.