(1) 動詞後可用動名詞與不定詞者
like 喜歡 begin 開始 dislike 不喜歡 commence 開始
love 喜愛 stand 忍受 endure 忍受 continue 繼續
start 開始 resist 忍受 tolerate 忍受 prefer 較喜好
bear 忍受 abhor 憎恨 detest 憎惡 neglect 忽略
hate 討厭 dread 害怕 intend 意欲 regret 後悔
omit 省略 cease 停止 disdain 不屑 be worthwhile 值得
advise 忠告---------------- etc.
start : I started to learn English when third grade. ----------小三我就開始習英文
=I started learning English when third grade.
begin : It began to rain as soon as we arrived. -------------我們一到就下起雨了
=It began raining as soon as we arrived.
like : I like to swim. -------------------------------------------------------我喜愛游泳
= I like swimming.
註: 精確地來說 like to + V 有「現在去做」的意思
like + V-ing 則意指「某事」
prefer : I prefer to read than play. ---------------------------我喜好閱讀不喜嬉戲
= I prefer reading to playing.
(2) 動詞後用動名詞與不定詞而意義不同者
forget : I forgot to turn the light off. 我忘了關燈
I forgot turning the light off. 我有關灯卻忘了
註:forget to + V---表示「忘了去做」,
forget + V-ing---表示「忘了做過的事」
remember : I will remember to see that movie. 我會記得去看那部電影
I remember seeing that movie. 我記得看過那部電影
註:remember to + V---表示「記得去做」
remember + V-ing---表示「記得做過的事」
stop : After working all day, he stopped ( working ) to take a rest.
After playing all day, he stopped ( playing ) to study.
註:stop to + V---表示「停下手邊的事去做別的事」
stop + V-ing---表示「停下手邊的事」
try : I never do this before, but I ‘ll try my best to do it. ( = make an attempt )
I did it before, let me try ( doing it ). ( = make an experiment )
註:try to + V---表示「之前沒經驗」
try + V-ing---表示「之前有經驗」
go : My father goes to sleep at 10 every night.
My father goes jogging every morning.
註:go to + V---表示去做「例行公事」
go + V-ing---表示去「休閒娛樂」
擺在這裡,是為了方便區分所有V+to V和V+V-ing的類型
go on : After math, he went on to study English. --讀數學後他繼續讀英文
He went on studying English for 2 hours. ------他一口氣讀了兩小時英文
註:go on to + V---表示接著去做「另一事」
go on +V-ing---表示繼續「同一事」
regret : I regret to say that. 我真不願這麼說(可是不得不說,還沒說)
I regret saying that. 我真後悔這麼說(可是已經說)
註:regret not to + V表示「後悔沒去做」
do not regret + V-ing表示「不後悔做了」
I regret not to do that. -------------------------------------我真後悔沒做那件事
I don’t regret doing that. ----------------------------------------我不後悔這麼做
(3) 動詞後只用不定詞(尚未開始做之意),不定詞做為受詞時,具有未來意義。
ask 要求 agree 同意 allow 允許 appear 顯得
beg 乞求 care 在乎 command 命令 tell 告訴
desire 渴望 decide 決定 deserve 值得 encourage 鼓勵
expect 期待 force 強制 prepare 準備 promise 承諾
hope 希望 help 幫助 need 必須 order 命令
seem 似乎 refuse 拒絕 teach 教導 want 想要
wish 希望
He deserves to win the praise.
John needs to study harder.
He refuses to accept others’ advice.
Our teacher taught us to speak English.
The government seems to abandon the victims.
All my friends helped me (to) achieve this state.
My parents told me to challenge the adventure.
I have promised to help him with his homework.
My teacher encouraged me to apply Yale University.
All the parents expect their children to be able men.
Police forced the villagers to leave the hazardous region.
(4) 動詞後只用動名詞(已經開始做,但尚未做完之意)
keep 繼續 enjoy 享受 finish 完成 postpone 延後
deny 拒絕 escape 逃避 consider 考慮 appreciate 欣賞
avoid 避免 quit 終止 imagine 想像 practice 練習
miss 錯過 defer 延遲 resent 怨恨 anticipate預料到
We must avoid making mistakes.
Students enjoy playing the computer games.
I have finished writing my thesis.
If you want to gain good grades, you have to keep studying hard.
(5) 片詞後慣用動名詞者
(a) cannot help + V-ing = cannot (help) but + V (忍不住,只能...罷了)
I can’t help missing you. = I can't help but miss you----我沒辦法不想妳
I can’t help laughing. = I can't help but laugh.----實在沒辦法不笑場
(b) feel like + V-ing (覺得好像)
I feel like crying.----------------------------------------------------我覺得好想哭
I don’t feel like working today.-------------------------我今天覺得懶洋洋的
(c) It is no use + V-ing (…沒有用)
It is no use crying over spilt /spilled milk.-------------------------覆水難收
(d) have fun (a good time, trouble, pleasure, a problem…) + V-ing (…好玩)
I have more and more fun doing my math exercises.---數學題越做越有趣
I have trouble doing my math exercises.-------------------數學題越做越頭大
(e) be used to + V-ing = be accustomed to + V-ing (習慣於…)
I am not used to going to bed early.----------------------------我不習慣早睡
I am quite accustomed to living in America.---------------住美國我很習慣
(f) be busy + V-ing (忙於…)
My mother was busy preparing dinner.-------------------母親忙著準備晚餐
I have been busy working on it.------------------------------我一刻也沒閒過
(g) would you mind + V-ing (您在意…嗎?)(此YouTube教學內容適合高中以上聽力)
Would you mind moving over a little? This is my seat--你坐到我的位子了
Would you mind opening the window?-----------------開個窗透透氣好嗎?
(h) be worth + N / V-ing (值得…)
= be worthy (of + N ) , (to + V)
= be worthwhile to + V / V-ing.
This race car is worth $1000,000.--------------這跑車價值一百萬美金
= This race car is worthy of $1000,000.
English is worth spending your time on.-----------英文值得你花時間去學
= English is worth your time.
= English is worthy of your time.
= English is worthy to spend your time on.
= It is worthwhile to spend your time on English.
= It is worthwhile spending your time on English.