(6) 使役動詞及感官動詞為被動時,須用不定詞
My father made me come to the cram school.--------------我爸叫我上補習班
= I was made to come to the cram school by my father.
My parents don’t let me stay out.----------------------我爸媽不讓我在外過夜
= I wasn’t let to stay out.
I had an engineer repair my computer.-------------我請一位工程師修理電腦
= An engineer was had to repair my computer ( by me ).
The lord bid his servants serve the guests.--------------主人命僕人服侍客人
= The servants were bidden ( by the lord ) to serve the guests.
The amateurs watched the birds flying to and fro.---------賞鳥人觀賞鳥兒飛翔
= The birds were watched ( by the amateurs ) to fly to and fro.
(7) be to + V
(a) 主動式具有未來、預定、溫和的命令之意味 ( 做為補語 )
He is to leave for Japan tomorrow. (表預定)------------- ------他明天要去日本
You are to stay here till I come back. (表命令)--------- -----我回來前不准離開
You are not to tell such a lie.(比should , ought to 語氣上更溫和)--- ---別說謊
(b) 不定詞被動式可以用主動式取代 (做為形容詞,修飾前方的名詞)
There is nothing to fear (= to be feared )---------------------------------沒啥好怕的
We have no time to waste (= to be wasted )------------------------------火燒眉毛啦
There is only one thing to do (= to be done )-------------------除了這沒別的活兒
He is not the student to blame (= to be blamed )------------------------不要冤枉他
The house is not to let (= to be let )------------------------------------------房子不賣
(8) 完成式不定詞 ( to + have + pp )
(a) 放在 seem , appear , be said , be thought , be supposed , be believed---
He seems to have been rich. (表示一直很富有)
= It seems that he has been rich since …..
He seemed to have been rich. (表示現在已不富有)
= It seemed that he had been rich.
I am sure to have met you before. (表示發生在述語動詞之前的事)
= I am sure that I met you before.
(b) 放在表示希望、期待或意圖的過去式動詞 wished , hoped , desired , meant , intend之後,表示過去無法完成的事。
I wished to have helped you, but that was beyond what I could offer.
= I wished that I could have helped you, but that was beyond my ability.
They wanted to have seen you ever so much.
= They had wanted to see you ever so much.
He intended to have gone abroad, but his mother fell ill.
= He intended that he would have gone abroad, but his mother fell ill.
(9) in order to;so as to;so … as to;enough to;too…to + V
(a) in order to;so as to;so … as to;enough to + V 意同 so…that
I got up early in order to catch the bus.--------------------我早起所以能趕上公車
= I got up early so as to catch the bus.
= I got up so early as to catch the bus.
= I got up early enough to catch the bus.
= I got up so early that I can catch the bus.
註 具有「目的」意義的才可以用in order to
(b) so as to;so…as to;enough to + V意同so … that,與in order to不相同
He was kind so as to carry the heavy luggage for me.---------他人好幫我搬行李
= He was so kind as to carry the heavy luggage for me.
= He was kind enough to carry the heavy luggage for me.
= He was so kind that he carried the heavy luggage for me.
He was kind in order to carry the heavy luggage for me.(誤)
註 沒有「目的」意義的不可以用in order to
(c) too … to + V ( = so … that … not …/ such … that … not …)
He is too short to reach the ceiling without a ladder
= He is so short that he can’t reach the ceiling without a ladder.
= He is such a short boy that he can’t reach the ceiling without a ladder.
註 too…to + V為否定後面的動作,本句肯定,其附加問句須用「否定」
He is too young to go to school, isn’t he.(正)
He is too young to go to school, is he.(誤)
(10) 不定詞的分離: to + 副詞 + V,亦或稱為副詞的插入
I failed to completely persuade him. (我無法完全地說服他 )
I completely failed to persuade him. (我完全無法說服他)
He is authorized to fully accomplish the mission. (他被授權全力去完成任務)
He is fully authorized to accomplish the mission. (他被全權授權去完成任務)
註 副詞修飾本動詞,和修飾不定詞的意義是不同的
(11) 不定詞的否定: ( not / never …. ) to + V
My grandfather told me never to tell a lie.----------------祖父告誡我絕不可說謊
I get up early in order not to miss the commutation.--我早起才不錯過通勤列車
He checks up every word in writing with care so as not to make any mistake.
註 不定詞的否定,不可寫成 to not + V,not是副詞,卻不可插入不定詞
(12) 代不定詞: 句中前後為同一動作時,不定詞可省略原形動詞,而僅保留to
I come, because my father told me to (come).-------------我來是因為我爸叫我來
I will do whatever you want me to (do).-------------------------------------謹遵吩咐
He can’t come if his mother didn’t allow him to (come).---他媽若不允他不能來
I will kill anybody if I have to (kill him).------------------------------不要逼我殺人
(13) 副詞不定詞: 卻經常被誤解為受詞
be ready (妥當): We are ready to go. ------------------------我們準備好要走了
be sure (確定): He is sure to win the game. --------------------------他穩贏的啦
be fond (喜歡): You’ll be fond to talk with him. --------和他聊天真正很愉快
be glad (高興): We are glad to have your invitation. -我們很榮幸接受你的邀請
be eager (渴望): They are eager to see you as soon as possible. -他們想要儘快見到你
be proud (驕傲): I am proud to have you as my friend.- 我很高興有你這樣的朋友
be sorry (難過): I am sorry to hear that (your dog is sick). ---聽到(你的狗病了)我很難過
be afraid (害怕): I am afraid to speak English with foreigners. --我很怕去和外國人說英語
be scared (恐懼): I was scared to witness the terrible accident. -目擊可怕的意外我嚇壞了
be shocked (震驚): I was shocked to see you here. --------我完全沒想到你會來
be supposed (應該): He is supposed to be here. --------------他早應該到了才對
be obliged (必須): She was obliged to take care of her little sister.-他必須照顧她小妹
be worthy (值得): He is worthy to be praised. -------------他是個值得稱讚的人
be anxious (焦慮): I am anxious to hear from you. --我急切地想知到你的近況
be grateful (感激): I am grateful to have Mary as my girl friend. -感謝上天讓我和Mary相遇
be lucky (幸運): He is lucky enough to win the lottery--他有夠好運中了樂透彩