
May  Might


(1) May與表示意志的動詞並用時,表示「許可」,而may not則表示「不許可」。


【觀念確認 may not 可以縮寫成mayn’t一字,現代英文幾乎不使用矣。


You may have one hundred dollars for daily expense.--你一天可以花一百元

You may not play all day long without studying. (不許可= must not)

You might not play all day long without studying. (客氣的勸說)


深入探討 Mightmay之過去形式,意義與may一致,用於表達讓步語氣。


(2) May用於疑問句時,表示「請示、請求」,亦可引導「祈願、祝福」的句子



May I ask you a question?-------------------------------------(表示請示、請求)



Might I have your name? --------(讓步語氣,比may更客氣,與時間無關)



He asked me if he might go home.------------(表示過去式中的請示、請求)



May you be happy!---------------------------------------------------(祈願、祝福)



眉眉角角 May I ….?一句的回答



Yes, you may.  Yes, you can.  Yes, you are welcome to ……..



No, you may not (smoke here). ()

No, you can not (smoke here). ()

No, you must not (smoke here). ()

No, you shall not (smoke here). (禁制)


(3) May可用於表示「可能性、不確定性」,might表示更深的懷疑,與時態無關。


The report may be true. (表示可能性、不確定性)

The report might be true. (表示更深的懷疑)

Bring more money with you, the car may cost a lot.--多帶點錢吧,那車貴了


眉眉角角 may not不能用來表示「能力」,僅表示「不許可」或「不可能」


He may not arrive at the airport in time. -------------------(表示不可能)

You may not use my car unless you have the license. ---(表示不許可)


解析 表示不許可must not其實比 may not更恰當


(4) May有時具有取代can的作用,但語氣上比can來得弱,may = perhaps can


A man may be known by the company he keeps.-------近朱者赤,近墨者黑

You may take a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink.-強龍不壓地頭蛇

You may have my body, but my love.---------你得到我的身體,得不到我的心


(5) 假設語氣,「對未來的猜測」若用may,表示對預測的事較無信心,或委婉


Even if you go now, you may not be able to help him.--就算去了也幫不了

I hope that the report may not be true.------------------------希望那報導是錯的

I am afraid that the report may be true.-----------------------那報導恐怕是真的


(6) 表示目的so that, in order that的子句需用may,若主要子句過去式則用might


I work hard in order that I may succeed someday.-------------------愛拼才會贏

We eat so that we may live, but no one should waste any food.----民以食為天

I got up early so that I might not miss the train for work.-----早起上班不遲到


(7) 在由whoever, whatever, wherever……引導表示讓步的副詞子句中,需用may


Whoever may say so, I will kill him.-----------------------誰說的,老子宰了他

Whatever you may do, I will stand on you.-----------無論做什麼,挺你到底

Whenever you may come, you are always welcome.-------------隨時歡迎光臨

Wherever you may be, I will go for you.------無論你在那裡,我要見你一面

Whichever you may choose, you won’t regret.--------------------------童叟無欺

However rich a man may be, he should not despise others.-無論多有錢勿欺人




S + may well + V + O 也是理所當然,也是應該的」

= S + V + O, and well + S + may.



Since her daughter is so excellent, she may well be proud of her.

= Since her daughter is so excellent, she is proud of her, and well she may.

= Since her daughter is so excellent, she is proud of her with good reason.

= Since her daughter is so excellent, she has good reason to be proud of her.



Of course, he may(might) well ask that.

= Of course, well he may(might) ask that.

= Of course, well may(might) ask that. (對象確定時,主詞亦可省略)

= Of course, he asks that, and well he may(might).

= Of course, he has good reason to ask that.


深入探討 S + may well not + V = S + can not well + V (實在不能,沒理由…)



We may well not refuse him.

= We cannot very well refuse him.



may well not tell him the bad news.

= I cannot very well tell him the bad news.


S + may as well + V + O + (as…) 「最好是,猶如,不啻

= S + had better + V + O + (than…)


You may as well start it in no time (as not).------------------最好是馬上開始吧

= You had better start it in no time (than not).


One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.---半筒水響叮噹

= One had better not know a thing at all than know it imperfectly.


You may as well throw money away as lose it in gambling.--賭博猶如錢丟大海

= You had better throw money away than lose it in gambling.


S + may have + P.P. + O

解析 意解為「可能已經」,表示對過去的事所做的推測



She may have gotten my e-mail by now.



Don’t give up! The rescue team may have received our Mayday.


深入體會 表示對過去的事所做強烈肯定的推測must have + PP



    That’s her watch; she must have been here.



    I can’t find her; she must have left.


S + might have + P.P. + O

解析 意解為「有可能已經,或許可以」,表示和過去相反的事實



She might have gotten home if she had taken the bus.



might have been rich if I had invested on that stock.


深入體會 S + might + V  S + might have + P.P. 的比較



You might try not to do that again. (以後要小心)



You might have tried not to do that. (本該小心)

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    陳思's 心英文法---英文心法

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