Ought (應當)的用法(初學者略之)
助動詞ought原為動詞owe的過去式,現代英文已將owed做為owe的過去式,而讓ought專作助動詞使用,用於表達直覺上的義務(Duty或Obligation)的意義,尤其是「道義上理所應為的事」(moral obligation)。動詞owe的主要含意雖為「負債」,但仍可作「負有…(義務)」解,如We owe our duty to our country.(我們應對國家盡義務)。用should也可表達道義上應做的事,不過用ought則表示最強烈的義務觀念。(引用 黃聰海 先生 “黃氏英文法”, 1980)
【觀念確認】ought其後必須接不定詞(to + V),其否定為ought not,亦可縮為oughtn’t。問句或否定句後的to,亦可省略。
(1) ought (not) to + V,表示對於現在或未來的「應該或不應該」,及對過去的推測
We ought to respect our parents.-------------------------------------人當敬事父母
We should respect our parents.
It ought to rain after such long drought.-------乾旱這麼久了,也該下下雨了
It should rain after such long drought.
Tyrannosauruses ought to be huge and fierce.----暴龍應該很大隻而且凶猛
Tyrannosauruses should be huge and fierce according to the book.
Parents ought not to abuse their children.--------為人父母者實不該凌虐子女
Parents ought not abuse their children.(否定後的to可省略)
You ought not to smoke so much.--------------------真的,別抽那麼多香煙了
You oughtn’t smoke so much. (否定後的to可省略)
You shouldn’t smoke so much.
Oughtn’t we to send for the police? ------------我們還是請警察來處理好了
Oughtn’t we send for the police?(疑問後的to亦可省略)
Shouldn’t we send for the police?
(2) ought (not) to + have + PP,意味著過去「應做而未做」或「不應做而做」。
You ought to have reported me as soon as it came to your notice.
= You should have reported me as soon as it came to your notice.
You ought not to have done that to me yesterday.
= You should not have done that to me yesterday.
Had better (最好)的用法
助動詞had better中had為助動詞,而better為副詞,是屬於潛在可能的假設氣,用於第二及第三人稱時含有”有義務去做某事”的告知或建議的意思。
【觀念確認】had better也可用had best,其後必須接動詞原型, 意義上與should及ought to相同。
(1) had better實為潛在可能的假設語氣If S + had to +V+ , it is better…的省略而來 你最好現在就走 You had better go now. = If you had to go, It is better now. = It is better for you to go now.
他最好是更用功些 He had better study harder. = If he had to study, it is better harder. = It is better for him to study harder.
(2) had better否定為had better not ,否定had和not通常不縮寫 你現在最好不要走(現在外面正在下大雨) You had better not go now. (It rains cats and dogs outside.) = If you had to go, It is better not now. = It is better for you not to go now.
他最好不要那樣做 He had better not do that. = If he had to do (something), it is better not that. = It is better for him not to do that.
(3) had better否定縮寫Hadn’t,通常只用於問句,其意義和正常用法不同 你現在不要走好不好?(希望你不要走) Had you better not go now?
你現在走不是很好嗎?(希望你走) Hadn’t you better go now?
(4) had better之附加問句可用Hadn’t,亦可用shouldn’t取代 他最好是更用功些,不是嗎? He had better study harder, hadn’t / shouldn’t he? (isn’t it亦可)