動名詞( V-ing ):兼具動詞與名詞的特性,亦具有進行和主動的意思。
做主詞:Seeing is believing.
Smoking is bad for health.
It is no use crying over the spilt milk.
There is no knowing what will happen.
做受詞:People enjoy swimming in summer.
She is engaged (in) performing a play.
My mother is busy (in) preparing dinner.
He spent all his life (in) researching science.
I have completed writing all the assignment.
People like taking exercise when they have free time.
做補語:Seeing is believing.
Women always spend a lot of time shopping.
His favorite hobby is fishing. (動名詞做be的補語,不是進行式)
He is fishing with his friend now. (現在分詞和be動詞構成進行式)
(1) 介詞後以動名詞做受詞,不可用不定詞
He is fond of playing baseball. (正)
He is fond of to play baseball. (誤)
I am tired of doing the same thing. (正)
I am tired of to do the same thing. (誤)
We are looking forward to seeing you. (正)
We are looking forward to see you. (誤)
How about going hiking in the mountains. (正)
How about to go hiking in the mountains. (誤)
I feel like crying. (正)
I feel like to cry. (誤)
It looks like rain. (正…須用名詞)
It looks like raining. (誤…不用動名詞)
He is proud of being rich.
He is proud of his being rich. (句中的his不是He)
He is proud of his father’s being rich.
(2) 動名詞和現在分詞做形容詞,意義上的差別
(a) 動名詞做形容詞,表示其所修飾的名詞,非行為者
a smoking room ------------- a room for smoking 吸煙室
a sleeping car ------------------- a car for sleeping 臥舖車
a checking counter ------ a counter for checking 收銀台
a bathing suit ------------------- a suit for swimming 泳裝
drinking water ------------------ water for drinking 飲用水
(b) 現在分詞做形容詞,表示其所修飾的名詞,即行為者
a smoking man ------------ a man who is smoking 吸煙的男人
a sleeping girl -------------- a girl who is sleeping 熟睡的女孩
an exciting game ---------- a game that is exciting 刺激的比賽
the rising sun ----------------- the sun that is rising 東昇的旭日
a running(= runny) nose ------ a nose which is running 流鼻水
pouring rain -------------------- It rains cats and dogs 傾盆大雨
(3) 完成式動名詞( 主動式為having + PP, 被動式為having been + PP )
(a) ( 主動式為having + PP )
She repents of having done such a thing.---她(現在)後悔(以前)做過的事
= She repents that she did(has done) such a thing.
He denied having stolen the money.------------------------他否認曾偷錢
= He denied that he had stolen the money.
I am sorry for your having told such a lie.------你這樣子撒謊我很失望
= I am sorry that you have told such a lie.
註 (前後主詞不同,having + PP前須加所有格)
(b) (動名詞完成被動式為having been + PP )
We never heard of such a record having been achieved.--不曾聽過此記錄
= We never heard (that) such a record had been achieved .
No one noticed the money having been stolen.---沒人注意到錢已失竊
= No one noticed (that) the money had been stolen.
(c) (動名詞被動式為 being + PP )
I can hardly believe his being elected (as) president.難以置信他當選總統
= I can hardly believe that he was elected (as) president.
He can’t imagine my being asked to attend the party.難以置信我竟獲邀
= He can’t imagine that I was asked to attend the party.
註 前後主詞不同,being + PP前須加所有格
靈光一 凡是連接詞省略後,剩下的V-ing片語,做為原句受詞的就是動名詞,做為副詞和形容詞的就是現在分詞;欲得此心法,必將(連接詞的省略),(分詞構句),及(關係代名詞)融會貫通。
want, need, require, deserve 之後的動名詞,主動形式卻代表被動意義
My car wants washing ( = to be washed )
The garden needs weeding ( = to be weeded )
He is so honest that he deserves praising ( = to be praised )