
Shall  Should


(1) shall和原形動詞構成未來式,肯定句和否定句皆具有堅定的意味,疑問句則有徵詢對方意見和勸誘、邀請的意味。


(2) shouldshall的過去式,用法與shall相同,然而帶有讓步語氣,因而肯定句和否定句皆具有委婉,客氣,不確定的意味,疑問句則有客氣的請求的意味


shalt shall 之古字,shouldst則是should之古字,用在主詞 thou的句中,現代英文已經不使用。(初學者略之)



(A) Shall用於第一人稱時,為無意志未來,第二、三人稱時皆為意志未來。





shall lend you the money.-------是應該借你這筆錢….(但我不會借你)

You shall lend me the money.---應該借我這筆錢….(無論你借不借我)

shall not have helped her.---------------------------我實在不該幫她…(自責)

You shall not have helped her.-----------------------妳實在不該幫她…(責備)


(B) Should用於第一人稱或第二、三人稱時,直述句皆為不肯定的讓步語氣。





should lend you the money.------是否該借你這筆錢….(考慮要不要借你)

= Should I lend you the money?


You should lend him the money.-----應該借他這筆錢….(客氣建議的語氣)

You should be more careful.-------------怎會這麼不小心….(輕微責怪的語氣)


(C) 疑問句ShallShould通常用於第一人稱,第二、三人稱常用WillWould


Should I lend him the money?(考慮要不要借)---------我是否該借他這筆錢?

Would you lend him the money?.(客氣詢問的語氣)-----你會借他這筆錢嗎?

Shall we rise? Let’s welcome the President.(客氣而堅定地請求)-------請起立

Will you do me a favor?(客氣而強制的語氣)---------[][]幫我忙吧?

Would you do me a favor?(客氣的請求)-------------------------幫我個忙好嗎?

What should I do?-------------------------------------------------------我該怎麼辦?

What would you do?----------------------------------------------------你會怎麼辦?



(D) 間接引句中若主要子句為過去式,則從屬子句須用should代替shall


He told me that Mary should be in the library at that time. (間接引句)

He said to me, “ Mary shall be in the library now.” (直接引句)


        I told Joan that I should be at home tonight. (間接引句)

        I told Joan, “ I shall be at home tonight.” (直接引句)



(E) 表示目的、責任或機會,無論人稱一律用Should,與過去式完全無關。


I get up early that I should not miss the bus.(目的)---我早起才不會錯過公車

Citizens should obey the law.(責任)----------------------------------公民應守法

If it should rain, what would you do without an umbrella?(機會)---萬一下雨

表示目的、責任或機會,與過去式完全無關的shouldwould couldmight 即謂之讓步語氣


(F) It is…that…的句型中,含有正當、意外或遺憾,無論人稱一律用Should


【觀念確認】Should用在It is natural ( good, proper, good, right, necessary, wrong, important, impossible, no wonder, not good, not well…that … should …中,表示說話者認為「理當如此」的意思。


It is proper that you should say sorry to Mr. Chen.---當然應該向陳先生道歉

It is natural that he should get angry with you.-----------------他不生氣才奇怪

It is no wonder that one should speak English in America.-美國大家都說英語

It is necessary that we should prepare more food.----多準備些食物是必要的



深入探討 possible只有在疑問句,或impossible時,方可用shouldcan若是It is possible that …時,則只能用may


It is impossible that he can(should) have forgot me.-----(他是不可能)

Is it possible that he can(should) have forgot me?---(他有可能已經?)

It is possible that he may(might) have forgot you. ----------(他可能已經…)


              【觀念確認】 Should用在It is surprising ( strange, funny, a pity, a shame, absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous…that … should …中,表示說話者認為「意外」,「遺憾」的意思。


It is strange that he should say such words. (表意外)-----他竟會說出這種話

It is a pity that he should have died so young. (表遺憾)--------------------他竟英年早逝


It is funny that birds of this sort should be found here.-樹林大了甚麼鳥都有

It is funny that birds of this sort are found here.-------------這裡真有這種鳥



(G) 在主要子句中,含有主張、命令或提議的動詞,無論人稱一律用Should

【觀念確認】在S + propose ( demand, insist, move, suggest, urge, decide, order, recommend, determine…that … (should) + V …中,that後的名詞子句,通常要用should,而美式英文習慣將should省略,而僅存原形動詞。

It was decided that the strike (should) be called off. -------議決停止罷工
The teacher insisted that the student (should) be punished.-老師執意處罰學生
suggested that she (should) move to another place.--我建議她搬離傷心地


深入探討 用於表示「否定目的」則that的名詞子句,須用maymight


He studies hard so that he may not fail on the test.

I took my umbrella with me for fear that it might rain.


深入探討 insist用於表示「對自己堅決的意志」則that後的名詞子句,通



The accused insisted that he was innocent in the court. -(對自我主張的堅持)

“I insist that the accused be innocent.” The lawyer said. ---(對他人的主張)


深入探討 suggest用於表示「建議」則that後的名詞子句,通常用

should + Vsuggest用於表示「暗示,表示」則that後的名詞子



The lie she told suggested that she is escaping from the point.---遁辭知其所隱
The chairman suggested that the issue be discussed.------主席建議討論此議題







S + V +… lest S + should + V

解析 意解為「以免」,lest 是從屬連接詞



The thief runs fast (as fast can do) lest he should be caught by the police.

= The thief runs fast in order that he should not be caught by the police.

= The thief runs fast in order not to be caught by the police.

= The thief runs fast so as not to be caught by the police.


S + should have + P.P.(YouTube教學內容高中以上聽力適用)

解析 意解為「早就應該」,表示與過去的事實相反



The fight should have been avoided had she said sorry.



The accident shouldn’t have happened.



Should + S + V…= If + S + should + V

解析 意解為「萬一」,表示與現在的事實相反



If he should come, what would we do?

Should he come, what would we do?

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    陳思's 心英文法---英文心法

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